Jeopardy date questions

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?מָתִי הִתְּחִיל קוביד
When was 1948
2019 מָתַי הָיָה
When did Israel declare independence?
1969 מָתַי הָיָה
When did COVID begin?
When was 1776
?מָתַי מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל הִכְרִיזוּ עַל עַצְמַאוּת
When did the US declare indepence?
?מָתַי נַחָתוּ אַסְטְרוֹנָאוּטִים עַל הַיָרֵחַ
When was 2019
When did astronauts land on the moon?
?מָתַי אֲרַצוֹת הַבְּרִית הִכְרִיזוּ עַל עַצְמַאוּת
מָתַי הָיָה 1776
1948 מָתַי הָיָה
When was 1969
Show Instructions

Click and drag the Hebrew or English word over the matching definition

A match will eliminate both cards.

Play the Matching Game again and again to improve your time score!
