Vayikra chapter 24

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what is the law if someone murder another Jew
two rows of six each
What did the half-Israelite do during the fight
From evening until morning
what was made of beaten olives
Olive Oil
What happened to the blasphemer him immediately after he blasphemed
the olive oil for the menorah
The murderer is put to death
outside the curtain that was in front of the Ark
What kind of oil was used for the lighting of the lamps (of the Menorah) in the Mishkan/Tabernacle
he was put in custody
Fracture for ___________, _________ for ________, _________ for ___________
fracture, eye, eye, tooth, tooth
What is the law for someone who kills an animal
he blasphemed
he must pay for it
How were the twelve loaves of bread arranged
For how long did the lights of the Menorah burn every day
Where was the Menorah placed
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